Monday, June 13, 2005

From Jeff

In case some of you didn't read the comment, I thought I'd publish it as an article. I know Jeff, and he and his wife Colleen are excellent parents. Austin is one of our best question askers.

Meshing old and new is always good,
I am a big fan of the new and technology and all the neat flashy lights and whistles, but I also love getting out in nature with just me and my backpack. I asked Austin about the fieldtrip. I heard about rain and birds and bugs. Gotta enjoy nature. I also think it is a good idea to sit down and make root beer or whatever. Someone who knows they like root beer can go and buy it. Someone who knows how it is made can create their own brand or special blend. Learning how and why things work teaches critical thinking skills and sparks creativity. No one changed the world by saying "this is ok just the way it is." Everytime Austin asks a question, I try to answer it. I know alot, but not everything by far. I encourage Austin to ask questions and if I dont know the answer, we can find out together. A bonding and learning experience all in one neat package. I see people who discourage their childern's questions because they think as a parent they should know it all and discourage the questions to cover their ignorance. Trust me, seek the answers together and you both will be enriched for life.


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