It's here! It's a whopper and it's dangerous. Please be on the lookout for real influenza. Today, Jackie Snyder woke up at 1:00 a.m. vomiting into his mother's bed as he reported that he was ill. His temp was 104. He was red faced, sweaty, glassy eyed and shivering. He has vomited every hour since. Miss Molly took him to the doctor and he had a blood test that reported a terrible case of the real influenza. He and his family have been quarantined at home till Friday.
Here's what to look for - that horrible non responsive glassy eyed look, watery drippy eyes, hacking cough, vomiting, lusterless appetite, sore throat, and high fever.
It's best not to just let it go. It's best to get the child tested. This dangerous flu must be treated and quarantined. This is not the time to over-the-counter medicate and slip into school. This is the kind of influenza children die of. Children coming to school with flu symptoms will be sent home for the week.
We know that children come down with these things quickly. We are asking parents to be on the lookout and to keep suspect children home for the sake of the other children. Being sick at Christmas is a nightmare for everyone.
Please push water and milk and juice at home and nix the soda and the sweet drinks. Sugar takes a toll on a child's digestion and will cause it to work over time. Water will help flush the system and help prevent illness. Milk and juice are real foods, but sweet drinks are detrimental and calorie laden junk to avoid during flu season.
Please avoid a lot of junk foods. If in doubt, give your child some good whole grain crackers, fruit and "real" cheese rather than the drive in. Greasy burgers, deep fried chicken skin or nuggets, French Fried potato fat, and other grease laden muck should be avoided during flu season. These quasi foods are cloggers and tend to stay in the system too long causing constipation which is waring and caustic to the system.
Bed times for very young children should commence about 8:00 or earlier. We notice that children who go to bed by 8:00 p.m. just do better through the day. Sleep is the mender of the body.
Please remember to watch the weather and dress children for playing out doors. Short sleeves are not acceptable clothing for winter. Hats and mittens and heavy coats are needed when the weather is freezing or below. For temperatures of 54% and above, a heavy sweatshirt is fine.
Today's menu was ham, home made macaroni and cheddar cheese, sweet potatoes, apples, bread and butter and milk.
Wednesday we will try to take the children out to the zoo. Please have them arrive at school by 9:30. The charge is $3.00.
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