Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Garden School Tattler

This week is President's Week at school. The public Schools are out tomorrow and we welcome any of our student's siblings to visit.

We will be looking at Abraham Lincoln and George Washington this week. We hope the children find this interesting.

We are also encouraging children to run for School President and make a speech to the school at Circle Time. It should be short and have some energy and pep. We will then have a ticket vote. On Wednesday, every child will get a ticket and be able to place his or her ticket on the table with the runner's photograph.

Next week we will begin practicing for our St. Patrick's Day play. This does not disturb class time. Children will be given lines to learn. It is easier to do the play if parents help with lines. After viewing the last play on video, things will be different this time. Prepare yourselves for Shakespeare!

Please continue to send your child in winter gear. We will be going out as much as we can this week.

If you are reading this, please send your child's favorite snack suggestion to the comments. This helps us with choosing good things for our children to snack on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Addie loves dried fruit, (e.g. dried apricots, blueberries, craisins), baby carrots, wheat crackers, Sun Chips, and baked cheese crackers.