Thursday, November 13, 2008

Teacher News from Michigan

Here's an article from Teacher Magazine that's interesting because it could happen anywhere, especially in this day and age. Howell sounds a lot like Newburgh sans clan.

In the article:

A Brand New, Short-Lived School

But perhaps the biggest controversy has come recently. The good people of Howell voted in 2003 to spend $70 million on a second, brand new high school and—with a little wrangling—adopted some pretty forward-thinking strategies (including flexible, college-type scheduling, and online coursework) to improve student services and deal with the transition from one to two high schools. Howell Parker High School opened in September 2007. A buddy who taught there gave me a tour last year—and I can personally testify that it is a totally awesome 21st-century marvel.

Unfortunately, the school closed after one year...

For the rest of the article, go HERE.

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