Friday, June 04, 2010

Friday's Tattler

Good Morning!

Field trip to Lincoln today. Please have children wear short shorts, school shirts and shoes and socks.

We should leave at 10:00 and return about 3:30. We will see the museum, and walk in the woods to the cabin and enjoy the farm for about an hour. We will eat lunch about 12:30 and visit the woods again, and then come home. It's our maiden voyage. Teachers will evaluate the children today and try to comb out the tangles, so to speak.

If you are a parent traveling with us, the cost is $25.00 per family. This cost helps with our enormous field trip expense. Some of our trips cost $1000.00.

Lunch will be a choice of peanut butter and honey, Miss Judy's famous egg salad, tuna, and a ham turkey combo on whole wheat bread. We will have chips, watermelon, apples, pickles, and carrots and dip, milk and water.

It's going to be hot... 90 degrees with a 60 percent chance of thunderstorms.

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