Saturday, November 20, 2010

Friday's Tattler

We had a great turnout for the play on Friday. The place was packed and we were so grateful to parents and grandparents for coming to the play and supporting the children. Lots of really nice snacks too!

The children were delightful. Early on Friday morning, about 9:00 - we ran through the play for the last time. The kids were great. Every line was crisp and clear. The inflection perfect, the lines delivered with vamp and style.

Then at play time, the kids were so busy looking out into the audience, they needed prompting, but it was still cute, and the children did a really nice job. The costumes were cute and the children handled them well. We were so proud.

August won the five pound candy bar as the fund raiser prize. We were glad to see it travel to a home. Teachers were getting itchy fingers! There is still plenty of time to sell the rest of your candy. This will help the school buy much needed playground equipment.

And so there it is - play done and it's on to Thanksgiving. Lots to be grateful for this year...

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