Friday, December 02, 2011

Thursday's Thought

So busy these days...I finished reading a great book. It is "The Sociopath Next Door." It's a scientific approach to the making of a sociopath, but it does not disregard religion, so it's a very nicely written book about a percentage of the society that we never really hear about until it makes the news.

Interestingly, one in twenty-five people is a sociopath. Does that mean one in twenty-five is a vicious killer? No. It means that one person in twenty-five has no conscience, and no ability to love. These people have no remorse for what they do or fail to do. A sociopath lives a failed life.

A sociopath could be the principal of a school, a businessman, or your mother. A sociopath cannot feel love, empathy or connection to another person. They learn how to hide this fact, and can be charming, attractive and play a huge part in ordinary people's lives.

The one outstanding identifying trait of the sociopath is the begging for pity. "Feel sorry for me because..." and then they invent the reason in order to manipulate anyone they think they can because that's their only joy - using and abusing other people - it's a game and the only delight in their lives. They will lie, cheat and steal without much thought because to a sociopath, nothing is really wrong to do. The world of right and wrong exists intellectually, but since there is no conscience, they can freely act on either side of the moral fence without regret.

A sociopath is lazy at heart, although can behave as if they are hardworking. A sociopath will begin a task and slowly let someone else take the work over while they either fain illness or some other pitiable weakness. Prolonged work, building and investment are nothing to a sociopath because that's not their game. The game is hurting others by destruction, even if it's one person at a time. A sociopath is irresponsible with money and he has no affection for success because he has no affection for anyone or anything even his own talents.

A sociopath denies that they have ever made a mistake because ultimately, they haven't. They don't need forgiveness because they are always innocent. But they do choose targets, and that target is one they think they can manipulate. The game is to get the target to do as much for them as they can.

The sociopath is born a sociopath with determining factors set in can't stop being a sociopath. A sociopath can learn to function very nicely in the world, and is often someone who wreaks havoc in good and kind people's lives.

Sound familiar? It was a great book and well worth reading.

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