Friday, July 01, 2005

Some Food for Thought

I found this wonderful column in the Washington Post on Mental Illness. What I like about it is the plea for circumstance. People are not cars; there are so many mitigating circumstances which make us the way we are. You can’t dismiss culture, religion, or upbringing to satisfy insurance companies who want to limit time with doctors.

What I like especially are the lines that there is no test that will definitively say that MI is apparent. It is all subjective, and most doctors go for the line of least resistance. No wonder so many children are medicated for being children.

To give someone a mind altering drug when you have known them five minutes is disgraceful. To give a child a drug that will stunt his growth, deprive him of his own personality, and keep him from establishing coping methods is a crime.

Enjoy the column.

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