Thursday, February 23, 2006

Writing a Childcare Book

Miss Molly is pounding the table as only Miss Molly can pound. She is insisting that I write a childcare book instead of another fiction. I've tried three times, and what I end up with is about six chapters on a various assortment of issues. So help me out.

If YOU were to buy a book on childcare, what would you want to read? Anecdotes? Childcare from the inside out? What teachers see? The value of parents' involvement?

Love to hear from readers what would make them pick up a book off the shelf.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would go with anecdotes and pesonal experience. Tell stories about what happened at the Garden School (Maybe change the names of the kids) and how it had what you have learned along the way. I find people listen better if you do this.

as an example, I have told new parents to quickly check on their child if you don't hear them or the something out of the ordinary. the say "yeah sure" and move on. If I tell them I do this because once I heard the potty flush many times in a row and when I did check it out, I found he had plugged the potty with a whole roll of TP and it was overflowing into the basement, they stand up and listen. Giving an example makes it real. That would be my advice.
