Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thursday's Teacher

From Education Week:

International Exams Yield Less-Than-Clear Lessons

Differing Demographics, Politics, Cultural Norms, Complicate Understanding

Almost every time the results of an international test of student achievement are released to the world, the reaction among the American public and policymakers is like that of a parent whose child just brought home a disappointing report card.

Elected officials and academic experts question where U.S. students fell short: Was it our curriculum, our teaching, or a confluence of out-of-school factors? What did other nations do well? And what changes to American classrooms would help U.S. students make strides on the next round of tests?

For more of the article go HERE.

1 comment:

bea- colloidal silver said...

Great site and very informative and interesting links. Congratulations for a job well done.