Friday, May 28, 2010

Friday's Tattler

Friday was our Awards Day Celebration. It was a glorious day. The children were delightful and sat more or less quietly while we announced each and every child. We began with the Preschool and Miss Dayna called each child up front with her to give them all the awards they have won this year. Robby got the Math award, and Phoenix got a nice art award. Some of the children go awards for letters and phonemes, personality awards, behavior awards and there were some silly awards.

Next came the Kindergarten for Fours. There were tons of awards including art awards, math awards and even theatre awards. We were proud of all of them.

In the Kindergarten, Garrett won the highest award, The Gentilesse Award for good character. Emily and Isaac won the highest Academic Award and Jasmin and Kylie got the Wisdom Awards. All good stuff.

The children got to take home their "final" school work in a packet which included all their subjects.

We had a nice picnic on the playground which included hot dogs, potato salad, eggs, brownies, watermelon, pickles, chips, and a million bags of cotton candy that was made by Keith Likens. A special thanks to him. Thanks to everyone who brought something to share. We so appreciate it.

School closed at about 4:30 for the break. This was the last day for some of our children. We appreciate having had these children at the Garden School and hope to hear great things from them in the future.

See the rest of you on Thursday!

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