Saturday, June 10, 2006

Losing Weight During Pregnancy

Today's Babyfit:

Q: If you are already overweight is it possible to lose weight while you are pregnant by healthy eating and moderate exercise?

A: During pregnancy it is important to "baby your baby and your body" with nourishing foods. If you are overweight, this is NOT the time to try to lose weight. Healthy weight gain is mandatory during your pregnancy, and prepares you for the strenuous demands of motherhood. It is also one of the indicators that your child is growing properly and getting the nutrition it needs. There are also a variety of reasons why moderate exercise is beneficial but one of the key reasons is to assist in accomplishing a healthy weight gain.

It is recommended that women that are overweight (BMI 26.0 - 29.0) pre-pregnancy aim for a total weight gain during pregnancy of 15-25 Pounds. [Obese pre=pregnancy (BMI over 29.0) a pregnancy weight gain of 15 Pounds.] So even though dieting during pregnancy is not a wise idea, that does not mean you should not watch your caloric intake and the foods you select. YOU SHOULD! It is important for your baby to get proper nutrition from the foods you eat and to prevent excessive weight gain, so choose wisely.

Becky HandLicenced Nutritionist and Registered Dietitian

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