We're back - tomorrow!
It's been a very hectic time off and now it's time to begin to focus on my favorite time of the year - ordinary time. The terribly busy Halloween through Christmas experience can be gracefully put into it's historical perspective, and we can get on with ordinary time. The weather is perfect for ordinary time - it's gloomy - also my favorite climate aside from snow storms. Rain is also a plus plus, and fog - one simply can't have enough fog. Here's to blanket and slipper weather with a hot cup of tea.
I had an experience over the vacation that some of you young mothers will enjoy and actually chuckle about. I promised Molly that I would sit for Jack, Will and Robbie all day on Sunday and over night and then on Monday. They took a second honeymoon which I really advocate. It took nearly all my energy to do this, and I had Edith to help, my husband, Terry and Anne who agreed to do the overnight part. I don't remember how young mothers do it. I don't see how Molly has time to breathe much less keep house, care for three children and then work as much as she works. I am truly in awe. Do you know how hard it is to manage a six year old on a bike, a three year old who is screaming about wanting the bigger bike, and a six month old who just wants to eat - now?
Robbie is a Rubens baby; He is so good and so placid but only on a full belly. It takes 10, 8 ounce bottles and plenty of snacks to keep him fed and happy. He's way over twenty pounds now, and just lugging him to the diaper station will take your breath away!
Wilbo was more or less happy because he got what he wanted for Christmas. It was a long story, but a funny one and one that took some quality engineering. The picture is Wilbo asleep with his Christmas favorite - a garbage truck.
Jack and I played Clue. He's a most decent fellow when it comes to rules. He's such an honest little guy and wants to win but is not upset when someone else wins. He also loved my solitaire marble game I got for Christmas. It's a mental game that tests logic and spacial sense. It's a beautiful game from Bombay. I gave him that remote control dinosaur for Christmas, and he already knows how to make it jump and run and eat.
So after my heartwarming but extraordinarily difficult two days, I will say it is much easier to care for 35 children ages 3-7 then one household. Yes, I once did it for four, but that was a long time ago. I'm glad my experience followed Christmas; they had lots to do.
Blessings on all our wonderful Garden School family. We hope everyone had a beautiful and happy Christmas.
Tomorrow, Tuesday, January 2, 2007 will be our ease back into school day.
This is a new year and we will be focusing on good health, on developing good intellectual practices, and encouraging socially positive attitudes. I remembered a favorite line in a Christmas song, "Love and joy come to you," and I thought that must mean positive and up beat, so that's what we're doing. It's the name of the new year's game - positive and upbeat!
God bless you all.
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