Tuesday, March 06, 2007

About Preschool

Every day I read about 20 articles about preschool and its misconceptions across the globe. The interest in preschool nationwide is a matter of guilt implemented by government officials who generally don't know what they are talking about. Everyone wants to implement a free, across the nation first steps program for children with all the bells and whistles with a cost plan nearing the space project.

As a producer of an early childhood project that started with $160.00 and has turned out to be what most people consider a really good program, I'd like to say whoa!

The first problem is that most people who don't work daily with children don't understand early childhood, and therefore should probably be quiet while those of us who do should have the floor.

Children don't need huge places to be. Children don't need state of the arts; they need commitment. When the cost of the building is more than the cost of the teachers, there's a problem. When the profits go into individual pockets and not into the art and music program, there are problems.

Building places for young children is really very low cost and very easy to do. I can't understand the difficulty. A classroom, a teacher, and a lot of donations from parents. It's possible anywhere! And that's how you begin. Then you add another teacher and another classroom and more toys and more books and more art supplies...

Across the globe people who don't know are telling us it's all impossible to do, too costly, too political - a huge step for man, a bigger step for mankind. Shhhhhhhh - and let the preschool teachers speak, please!

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