Monday, March 12, 2007

The Garden School Tattler

This is play week and we will be doing some stage decoration work. In the interim of practicing our lines, we will do helter skelter class work and something new I've brought for the older girls. We will be trying out some beading embroidery. It's a busy time for us.

Thursday, Miss Jana and I will be doing a table at the health fair at Health South. We will be showing off the GS as the premier healthy childcare spot in the city.

Saturday, I did a nutrition workshop for 4-C. I heard about some of the meals served in other childcare facilities in the city. Here's a tasty lunch: a boiled egg, green beans and kidney beans and white bread. Yuck.

Each one of the components is fine but together it's a culinary disaster. This week we will be serving hardboiled eggs on Friday, but we will serve them with cubed cheese, homemade bread, and several fresh fruits and vegetables as a picnic. We will serve the eggs with several kinds of dips for fun and food adventure.

Why is this so important? It's an investment in a child's whole life. Good habits reduce obesity and other health related problems while they increase brain function, energy and an overall sense of well being.

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