Friday, May 04, 2007

The Garden School Tattler

I was reminded by this picture how time marches on. It does. And this year especially we will miss our graduates. Some of the finest children who have ever come through the Garden School will be leaving us for the grander fields of education and the big delights of big town. It's always sad, but it's the way life is supposed to be. You give as much as you can as a parent, a teacher, a friend, and then it's up to the child to take the next step. Are they ready? You bet.

As I remember pushing my own out of the nest - a little at a time- my heart goes out to those making that next step - big school. I've taken them kicking and screaming, running away from me with delight, with the internal conflict - is this it ? And then there was Miss Molly. Her leaving the nest only meant taking on a new nest, "It's mine - really." Every child is different.

We have tried to make them aware of the world around them, aware that the child next to them has feelings and needs to be understood. We've encouraged friendships and bonds. We've pushed the idea that they can do it all by themselves. We've tried to open doors to learning, discovery and accomplishment. We've tried to minimize the idea of failure, but at the same time we've tried to show children that failure exists and how to avoid it and how not to be crushed by it.

They will do what they will do. It's their pocket full of gold coins.

In the meantime, back at the little place, we continue to welcome our graduates anytime they need us. We will stay in touch with a program Mrs. St. Louis started - sending a birthday greeting until we lose track. She sends more cards to colleges these days. Just let us know if you are moving.

The Garden School is a launching place. We're only the platform for the rocket. The rocket is guided by the right stuff. All our kids have the right stuff.


Anonymous said...


Justin will miss GS just as much as all of you will miss him. Jay and I are so glad we found GS. It was the right place at the right time in Justins' life.

Justin has strep throat with a body rash - scarlet fever. I kept him home Thurs since he complained of aches and had a slight fever. The rash and 101 fever occurred Friday. The Dr put him on amoxicillin and I expect him to be back in school Mon - he will no longer be contagious.


Anonymous said...

And what a grand rocket platform GS is! We know Hadley will fly off to "big" school leaps and bounds ahead. She has learned SO much and made so many good friends over the last 3-1/2 years, GS will always remain a fond memory for us. We certainly don't tell you enough but THANK YOU for all you do. As we face the next step on Hadley's journey we know she's and ready excited about the future - she has found a love of learning and exploring - I give alot of the credit to GS.

Thanks again,
