Monday, January 17, 2011

Monday's Tattler

Good Morning...yes, we are in school today and we open at 7:00 a.m.

This week we will be working on Australia among the other wonderful things we do at school.

Please check your Flower Box to keep abreast of all the things your child will do this week.

We hope to get out for at least a few minutes this week. We expect lots of rain this week, but perhaps it will only be sporatic!

We continue to renovate. Our next project is to include a ball pit and a Calico Critters Corner. If you know anything about Calico Critters, please see Miss Judy or Mrs. St. Louis.

Please remember that if your child is ill and requires OTC meds in the morning, you are expected to keep him home. It is a state requirement. Bringing an ill child to a child care facility breaks the state codes for childcare. If your child becomes ill at school, he will be required to remain out of school for at least 36 hours.

Please take notice of your child's medal and how many silver, black, and gold beads he or she has on their medal. Children receive a gold bead every week they keep their medals all week.

We will be taking medals for deliberate disobedience, harmful play, and deliberate disruption this week. When it is time to clean up, everyone cleans. When it is time to wash hands, we don't play in the bathroom. When it is time to listen, we all listen.

On the other side of the coin, we will be rewarding our wonderfully obedient and helpful children all week with toys, prizes and candy.

We hope you have a great week!

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