Thursday, January 20, 2011

Thursday's Thought

I know it's a pain in the neck when our regular schedules can't be maintained, and we are given the added burden of finding care for children when we absolutely have to go to work and schools are closed.

I always think of January as the rest month. It's the month following three months of holidays and frantic rush. It's the time when nature says, "slow down and take it easy." It's too cold to "play outdoors" and it shouldn't be a time of racing around. It's a hibernating month with long nights and short days. Nature is saying something - look at the trees; they are as dormant as death. My cat runs out at 3:45, is out an hour and then spends the day curled up on a pillow. He's telling me something.

Illness has abounded these last weeks. Teachers have been out days at a stretch. We send home children every day who are kindling fevers and who have fallen asleep "on the job."

With the snow, I think nature is telling us to stop look and listen, and when you do on a day like today, it's just beautiful outside. It's crisp, clean and pristine, and for a couple of days, we have a new earth to admire and to watch. All the seasons are beautiful and rich, and that includes winter and its snow.

Last time it snowed a majority of the children did not go out and play in it, and that was a shame. I hope more kids get to experience this bigger fall today for the memory and the knowledge of what winter is all about and what snow means. Too often we lose this teaching moment for TV.

For Garden School parents who are reading this, please have your child draw AND color a picture of the snow and bring it to school on Friday or Monday for a treasure box pass! Have fun with your children today!

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