Monday, December 05, 2005


I found this interesting since I'm a Californian by birth and early wanderings. What I'm not sure of is how a whole state the size of California could fail a whole part of the population. When we talk about what the "state" will do, do we then take the parents' role away and deliver the responsibility to a government? Sounds vaguely like Iron Curtain demands.

Report: California Failing Children In Spending, Preschool
November 30, 2005

California is failing its children in such diverse areas as school spending, health insurance, and access to pre-school, according to a new report released Thursday by public advocacy group Children Now.

Children Now - a nonpartisan, non-profit organization dedicated to improving conditions for children nationwide - gives the state a "D" in children's obesity, a "D+" in K-12 education and a "B-" in health insurance.

"The aim for our 2005 Report Card is to create broad awareness and clear understanding of the issues keeping California children from thriving," said Ted Lempert, Children Now president.

"Our goal is not to highlight the negative, but rather to focus on problem areas where we can affect a positive shift for all children in the state."

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