Saturday, May 20, 2006

Today's Baby Fit

I'm including some articles I received this week from a site called Today's Baby Fit. The articles are helpful, short, and easy to read. The site is written by a group of doctors and health experts.

What is the best way to do Kegels?

Here's the scoop on Kegels (pelvic floor exercises).

First, make sure you are contracting the correct muscles (the ones that you contract to stop urine flow), not your buttocks or thighs.

You can squeeze and hold for 10 seconds; contract slowly to the count of 10 and relax slowly to the count of 10; or just do "quick flicks" of fast, short contractions.

All of these methods help strengthen your pelvic floor and reduce your risk of developing incontinence. The key is to JUST DO THEM!! Try to do some long contractions and holds, and mix in a few quick contractions several times each day.

Think of a time you'll remember to do them every day, like when driving to work, showering, or brushing your teeth. Don't worry too much about the perfect way to do the exercises.

Just try to include 20-50 contractions every day!

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