Thursday, September 21, 2006

The Garden School Tattler

Here are some inside notes on the school that help parents understand how a place works behind the scenes. Parents should know how school operates because it allows a real communication. Changing orders, moving classes, moving kids, adjusting times and how tos are a daily process.

Lately we have had an in coming of very very very young children. They are a delight, but adjustment to them as well as their adjustment to us is always a little stressful. We had three new children yesterday - two for Mrs. St. Louis's class. Just getting bathroom habits in place took most of her day.

We've been bringing in the smallest children last from recess so Mrs. St. Louis can get everyone "drained" and ready for the next school session.

She says just getting her children to sit and listen and respond has been a huge jump. They all learned what calendar means and four of them, William, Emma, Addie and Kamden were able to do some one to one correspondence.

We've had some potty on the playground competition among some of the boys. Changing teacher vantage points solved that one.

There has been an enormous interest in "finding the frogs" in the pond between the green door and the playground. Unfortunately, some of the small boys have decided that frog is synonymous with target practice.

I discovered that my 4K students have taken a powder on letter identification, so I'm starting again with "What is this letter?" We will play games until we remember.

Yesterday I was delighted with Miss Kelly's class who took apart a forty piece dinosaur that's been hanging in the school for years and put it back together without help. It looks a bit odd, but the pieces are more or less where they are supposed to be. I thought the effort was magnificent.

We have never had a group of children who have eaten as much food as this one. The state came in a few weeks ago and pronounced "choice" was not a choice. So now we are emptying quarter and half cup non choices on plates. It's been an ordeal.

My project as cook has always been to serve kids what they like as a balance of what they should eat. Most of what I cook they really like. I really like to light a child's eyes with the delight of eating because eating is an investment. So I've been cooking a lot more in order to make things they really like to oppose that which must lie on their plate!

We had a Knowledge Bee last Friday and will have another this week. I was really proud of my kids for knowing how to read most of the names in the school. My class is learning to sight read a little in preparation for reading. We will do another one this Friday.

Please bear with us on big party dates -- There was a misprint in the handbook. When we have a big party we always advertise it. We will be sending home an invitation to grandparents next week with times.

Fine arts tomorrow is mirage.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My problem with the party date being wrong - did none of the teachers check the handbook? We are told to live and die by the handbook but yet no one noticed it was wrong? I only found out the morning of the party - there was no party. I had scheduled time off work, the grandparents had re-arranged their schedules only to find hours before the party these was none. It's more than a little frustrating!