Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The Garden School Tattler

It's been a beautiful week. The children have had a wonderful time playing outdoors and doing things indoors for Grandparents' Tea. Surprises, surprises!

Every week seems to bring new dimensions. New children starting, new events, new teaching schemes, new this and that, but it all seems to work out so well.

Last Saturday, William, age three who I call Bill, got his finger caught in a door at a play arena. The door partially amputated his finger. The joint just above the first knuckle was avulsed (I think that's what they call it) and had to be reattached. Needless to say it was traumatic and very painful for William. He kept telling his mother that it hurt as he stared at the bone and bled so that he was chilled. Nice memory.

Today is science day and we are studying genetics. It should be fun. Your child, depending on his age, will come home with boxes and circles drawn by him on a page. Please ask him what it means. We will be talking about why we look as we do today. Are we like mom or dad? Who does mom or dad look like.

Please notice our science shelf at school. Miss Jana has cleaned it for Miss Judy. We have some beautiful science pieces. Many of them were donated by Fr. Damian at St. Meinrad College. Many of them were found by the staff and student body of our school. One parents stopped on the way to Disneyworld and picked cotton for us. We have it in a big glass jar. If you have something you don't want to keep that would be a nice addition to the science shelf, please donate it!

Speaking of Disney places, I told the children yesterday while we were talking about various trips to Disney being remembered fondly - you parents do such a nice job - these kids just love your trips - that when Disneyland in California first opened fifty years or so ago, I got to go. My father knew Walt Disney and we got VIP passes back then which entitled us to cutting in line. FYI, Walt Disney was a very nice man. Did you know he envisioned Mickey Mouse while listening to train sounds?

One of these days we are going to have a PJ party. We will pick a rainy day and announce it the day before by Parent Board and by note home.

For now it's on to GPs'T!

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