Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Today is our last day in school before Thanksgiving Break. It's been a nice week. The children were a bit crazy on Monday. Teachers are always surprised by how wired they are on Mondays and how long it takes to settle everyone down.

We had our cast party in the afternoon and celebrated with a train cake. The train form is nine separate cars and we decorated each one with M&Ms. We also had ice cream sundaes. A cast party is an important part of the celebration of doing something well.

On Tuesday, we watched the pay Miss Kelly taped. It was cute. I must remind myself to watch it again before blocking the next play.

We made some adorable bag turkeys yesterday, and the children will take these home today. Bag turkeys sit on edges and have long legs. They are really quite charming. I first made these at St. Benedict's and the children left them on the steps just in front of the altar. They were hilarious. The older people complained that they were not appropriate, but God knows the work of children and the prayers of children are always appropriate.

We didn't finish them; we still need feathers, but we need to put those feathers on in smaller groups. A whole school art project is a huge undertaking, and with something as fly away as feathers, it's best to limit numbers.

Today children will bake cranberry bread as a gift to families. Each child will decide what goes into his gift and we will bake his gift separately. We have a variety of additions to our plain batter.

Yesterday we had a full Thanksgiving meal at school to practice eating. We've experienced sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes with and without gravy. We've had turkey, ham, and cranberry sauce. We've had stuffing, and corn bread muffins. Most of the food the children liked. It's been surprising how much they are willing to try. We hoped this fare would allow kids to eat new things at grandma's this holiday.

Please remember to pick up children today as soon as possible. They all know it's the last day before break and they are all anxious to be home with their families.

We hope each and everyone of you has a wonderful holiday.

Blessings always.

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