Sunday, September 26, 2010

Friday's Tattler

A great big Thank You to all the parents and grandparents who made the Grandparents' Tea such a huge success. No count, but every chair was filled- standing room only! The children were wonderful and did a really nice job with the National Anthem, The Pledge, the Hail Mary en Francais, and songs: Grandma is Coming to Town, and The Tootie Ta!

Treats were delicious, and we have some left over for snack on Monday! We had just about everything imaginable on the table: brownies, cookies, cheese cake, apples, fruit bits, chips, marshmallows, and cheese and crackers. YUM!

The academic week was a good one, and lots of kids were able to get golden beads for their medals! This is a great tribute to listening and learning. We are so proud of the children.

Additional prizes on Friday included a special Angel awards to Ayden, and to Rose for exceptional behavior. Jill won an Arithmetic Award. We are so proud of them.

We were stood up again on Thursday by Evansville Living Magazine. Someone was supposed to come talk to us, but failed to show.

We tried some new foods this past week. We tried pumpkin "critter" and piggy pie. The kids really seemed to enjoy both new tastes.

It was, all in all, a great week. So...on to another...

1 comment:

David Bothast said...

Yay for Rosie!!! I am glad to hear she is adjusting so well! Congrats to all the other kiddos who are being excellent and making good choices!
"Rewards come to those who work hard." (Marva Colins)

David Bothast