Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Tuesday's Tattler

A short week. I hope everybody had a nice long weekend. I hope the children got outside. The weather was so spectacular. Terry and I walked seven miles in two days. Great walks. They ended by the river, and that last push through the silt, and then the climb up the hill was wonderful.

This week in school, we will be looking at families. We will start with "who I am" by the child and talk about each person and how precious and wonderful each one is. We should be learning our full names this week. Make sure your child knows his full name, and his parents' names. Then next week, we will be working on knowing our address and then our phone number. Prizes will be awarded on Friday.

We are trying to take a field trip on Friday. TBA. I'll let you know in a letter sent home.

Pork roast for lunch today with potatoes, carrots, and applesauce.

Blessings for a great week.

1 comment:

David said...

Hi Miss Judy!
Rosie was so excited after her first day of school! I found it humorous when she asked "Will you please take me back there tomorrow?" Sure will!

Thank you for helping us make her future brighter!

David & Brian

P.S. Oh! Sorry about bringing her in sandals with a backpack. We, too, are getting used to the routine. Since we both teach at local universities, we should have known to 'do our homework'. Even in our thirties, getting scolded by a teacher still stings. Our apologies. :)