Friday, July 08, 2005

Off the Subject

Now that there is a new world crisis, I was wondering what my readers might think of something I’ve suggested for years. As some of you know, my husband taught history for over thirty years. He’s taught the whole world from beginning to end. He is more interested in the politics of history than states and dates.

I’ve suggested that he write a column called Current Events for Dummies. Or something like it. Terry is really good at explaining very simply why certain parts of the world are in the shape they are, what kinds of people and events have made it that way, and what’s going on right now that will or won’t change the status quo. In real life, he's got one of those deep, low voices a little like Orson Wells. That won't show up, of course, but his writing is interesting and fun to read.

What do you think of a column about the reasons we have the problems that we do?

Would you read it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would love to read about Current Events! Great Idea!