Friday, July 22, 2005

Smimming and More Smimming

We had an outstanding day at the pool today.

The kids were jumping in, and I mentioned that they should know how to dive. Well the desire to dive was so strong, we cleared the diving well and all learned how to dive off the edge. The belly flops were really something. We stood in stretch yoga position and then bent over and fell in. It was a dive of sorts. Then we tried to add a little bounce to it. I demonstrated of course, and looked like a whale, but it was a good effort and the bones didn't break. The kids loved the whole thing from beginning to end and were great sports about water up their noses.

Our divers were: Briauna, Danielle, Ty, Morgen, Peyton, Jack H., Gage, Chip, and Drake.

Today we drilled Austin, Alan, Micheal and Taylor, and they all graduated, but could not make the cut for the diving well. They are just not strong enough swimmers.

Alexa and Mayli graduated to the deeper end, but are not quite ready for the diving board. Next week for sure.

This is the best class of swimmers we've ever had. I left the camera at school, so I will post them tomorrow.

If you review that article on William Sheldon, you will see that the Mezo kids are the first to swim. The lanky, thin kids take a little longer. The round kids take delight in it, but take the longest to learn.

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