Monday, October 29, 2007

The Garden School Tattler

Today begins Halloween Week. It's a big week for very young children. They seem to love this bit of make believe best. I think it's because it's a holiday built just for kids. Halloween is a very old holiday and dates from the Middle Ages. It was well practiced in England by the 14th century. It came to us over the same ships the Pilgrims used!

Last night Mrs. St. Louis, Miss Amy, Alex and I went on the Ghost Walk here in Newburgh. It was fun. The Ghost Walk people did a nice job. My house is the first stop. They got some of the stories right. We've lived in this house 32 years and have seen a lot of mysterious things. It happens all the time, so we're not frightened by it. Our last sighting was about a month ago when Anne heard someone traveling around the house and thought it was her father coming up the stairs and moving around the hallway and opening and closing his door. Her father was at the gym at the time and no one else was home.

My favorite story is the hair brush story which I'll post tomorrow.

We had dinner together last night at my house. Poor Alex didn't see a ghost and was disappointed. Edith made an exceptional cake and I think I enjoyed the cake best of all.


This week at school we will be dressing up on Wednesday in costume and visiting a nursing home in Boonville where my mother resides. We will be taking natural fresh fruit treats to the residents. Donations of apples would be helpful. We will sing a few Halloween songs and then return to school and have a late lunch.

Our party begins at 3:00 and school dismisses at 4:00. This gives parents a launching time for trick or treat.

Please remember to leave swords and masks at home. They become a danger to young children in a group situation.

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