Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The Garden School Tattler

What an extraordinary day! It started off with a letter we found in the mail box. It came in a brown envelope. It was from Uganda, from a preschool teacher from Kampala. ( Picture is of Kampala) She wrote to us at the Garden School with the idea that our little kids could write and become friends with her little kids at her school in Kampala. It was a lovely letter, beautifully written and much appreciated. She found us on the blog!

I LOVE THIS. What an extraordinary experience. I can't tell you how much this means to me. What a lovely idea.

We talked about Uganda in Circle Time, and we dragged out our world books and our globe and map, and we found Uganda and pictures of it. ( Picture here is of the Nile).

Then we drew pictures for her children. Tomorrow we will write a short vita (I like) in class, and we will take pictures of the kids and mail our package as soon as we can.

This is the kind of country to country - person to person exchange that is real education for both schools of children. This young wife and teacher has reached out to us across an ocean and two continents to make friends and we will do our best to be good friends as well.

I told the children that friends like this are a thing to be cultivated, to be treasured. That a long distance friendship with people in different places helps us realize how different places can be but how similar people are.

I'll keep you posted about our progress.

We practiced the play today. The children were wonderful and some of them have already learned their lines. We will send home scripts on Thursday.

We had grilled cheese today with bananas, apples, raisins, mangoes, and salad. The kids just love their salad. We've added corn flakes which makes it crunch - they love it.

Tomorrow is weather alert day. We expect some storms. If it gets bad, we'll be calling.

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