Friday, March 17, 2006

The Garden School Tattler

It's play week this week so the Tattler has been put aside to shop and sew, but it was worth it. all the kids look great in their costumes and they've had a lot of fun wearing them in dress rehearsal yesterday. I wanted to see if the shoes would work on the carpet. Miss Kelly congratulated Miss Peyton on her high heeled strut yesterday.

The girls very quickly decided what belonged to whom, and it was a quick grab yesterday and there were no arguments. I was stunned.

Edith and I've been out till dinner time shopping, and Wednesday we closed. Yesterday was platelet day and today's the play, so everyone is pretty tired. But most of the work is done, so it's a matter of just having fun with it today. It's always impressive to get what you get with kids. You work and you work, and then it's up to them, and if they can yell out their lines, they will probably have the nicest play they've ever had.

The week has really gone spectacularly well. The kids have helped make paper flowers for the stage, and we had the rug cleaned and we hung Miss Molly's backdrop. The children know all their lines, and know when to come on stage. We've had a lot of absences, but that doesn't seem to bother the children.

I'm grateful for the weather this week. It's given us a great opportunity to blow off some steam.

Well I wish all of you could see the play. It's really cute. Next week is Medieval week, blood drive on Friday at 2:00, and the following week ( Thursday and Friday) is spring break.

Happy St. Patrick's Day.

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