Monday, March 13, 2006

The Garden School Tattler

'Grandmas' are Moms with lots of frosting. Author Unknown

Friday was a bit of a nut case day. Everyone was tired - mostly the kids.

I had to give a talk on the North Side of town, and it went very well. I talked to the MOPs, Mothers of Preschoolers, at Old North Church. I talked about child development and then went back to school to witness it.

I found Hazel in the kitchen cleaning up the pancake breakfast. I love Faith's Aunt Hazel. She's the best thing since ice cream. Miss Hazel is one of those jack of all trades ladies who can come in and fit in and help and laugh and love the kids unconditionally. Hazel goes on a lot of our field trips.

We practiced the play and gave away a lot of eggs because the kids know a lot of their lines. We were very proud of them. We sang a lot on Friday and somewhat planned Spring Sing. Dawson and David and Mayli won student of the week.

I know this weekend has been the alarm weekend. I think if any of you who live here bought new weather alarms, you've been up most of the weekend. I think it went off maybe 15 times Friday and Saturday nights. I hope not too many of you are dragging today.

Last Thursday we called school with the advice of weather forecasters and then nothing happened. We all felt justified a little like the guys who ran to the boy who was calling wolf. With my Weather Bug at home, I can pretty well figure out what's going to happen, and I'm right about 90% of the time. I'm going to install it at school and stop listening to gossip. With 22 people killed by a tornado less than two miles from here, it's hard not to panic. So today, if there are storms, we will just baton down the hatches unless our parents want us to call.

Edith is sending out a questionnaire about summer. Please take a look at it today and tell us what you want for summer. Summer is an important part of a child's life, and we want to do as much as we can to make summer a fun zone.

Friday is play day. It starts at 3:00.

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