Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The Garden School Tattler

The sound of high heels clacking has never been so funny. Mrs. Ha-Wiggins move over.

The kids have spent hours trying on new duds in the dress up area. It's a favorite place to play. Kids love dressing up and playing games that signify family or home. And you wouldn't believe what we hear!

The weather continues to be so hot, we can't go outside and really play. When the children run from one shady place to another, you know it's just uncomfortable, so we've played a lot indoors.

Class time has been encouraging. My little guys are doing quite well. Yesterday we began our first sight words - their names - and every child was able to read his name and nearly all the other children's. Today we will add Miss Kelly's spelling words to our sight word pile - mom, dad, me and I.

Monday was history day with a look at "who I am" as a focus on the child. Yesterday the children heard the story of the war of the angels or the story of good and evil in religion class and today we begin science with the body - how does my body work. We're going to do the skeleton today.

Today I think we will have fresh baked ham and potatoes and cheese waffles.

Not one child has gotten even a single blue face. We are so proud of them. Please keep a watch on the behavior chart. It's your record of your child's behavior.

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