Friday, August 11, 2006

The Garden School Tattler

Yesterday during the storm Terry and Edith and I were giving platelets at the Blood Center. As the storm turned the sky darker and darker I was torn between the perfect blood match the Blood Center said I had with someone who desperately needed my platelets, and the safety of the school. Jana and Tom closed yesterday.

Edith and I both agreed there was no better closing team for an emergency. Jana and Tom are well versed in safety issues and when Edith called, they had the place settled down and battened down for safety. Tom is electrified by need. He has a heart as big as a bushel basket and relates so well to anyone who is needing special attention, he's my choice for that desert island situation.

Jana is a "doer" like me. She's the strong arm, the detail person, the rough and tumble, get it all done quick type whose personal radar probably sensed the storm and the entire afternoon's agenda was probably a full script by the time the first drop of rain fell.

These teachers are the backbone of the school. They are the reason the "all day" teachers can relax and leave after class time is done. The school doesn't stop after class time is over. Kids continue to learn and continue to thrive after school. The after school time is often the time when kids think about what they have learned and put the pieces together, that's why it's important to have the right people do the job. It's tough to find the kind of people who compliment the school as well as Tom and Jana.

This has been a good first week. We've done a lot of adjusting. There will be more adjusting as the weeks develop. I think the primary interesting thing we've noticed is how well the Garden School children have learned to listen and how far some of the new children have to go to catch up with this single so important element in learning.

The primary single thing preschool and kindergarten children need to do is listen. This will be our first priority for the next few months. If a child can't listen; he can't learn.

Today is fine arts day and we will be looking at Van Gogh's work. He's an interesting artist and a lot of fun to copy.

Lunch is whole salmon and fish sticks - choice. We will have rice and corn and watermelon and cheese bread.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Judy, Thank you so much for the kind words. It makes me feel good to know that I have a boss who trust's me like this. I have my own children Caleb and Josie with me when I am at the garden school. When a situation like this arises my "mommy" instincts kick in. All of these children are my own when they are in my care. I will do whatever it takes to keep them safe. I hope the parents can work a little easier knowing that their children are safe and sound in The Garden School. The part I found the funniest was, no matter how dark the sky kept getting and how hard the wind was blowing, the children had one thing on their mind, Snack! They didn't want to miss that. However, a pack of cookies later, the storm passed. I was so impressed with the kids. It takes patience to sit on the floor of the bathroom for thirty minutes. They are truly a special group of children. And I love everyone of them.
Miss. Jana