Sunday, September 18, 2011

Friday's Tattler

What a great day Friday was! We had a nice open house and featured Beve Pietrowski and family pictures, we had the Beautiful Baby Contest --- Connor Day won! --- Thank you Connor for all your generous donations to the NIC Units! Thanks to all our generous parents for a job unbelievably well done!

We had some activities: rock art, a story, and the book fair. We had a $800.00 sale! Whoo Hoo!

We had a Garden School table of food this year that featured Miss Judy's Chicken Salad and homemade bread, Miss Amy's brilliant cookies, a terrible cheesecake, popcorn and pretzels, and Miss Meredith's fabulous humus, and a light soda. Aside from the soda, it was totally healthy. We ARE the healthy place. In fact, Frank came up to me and asked me what was in the cookies, and I told him the ingredients, and he was impressed, then I told him the calorie count, and he ran back for two more! Such fun!

So proud of our little darlings, parents and grandparents and friends. Such a nice gathering.

Thank you all for coming and making it a wonderful and warm occasion.

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