Saturday, September 24, 2011

Saturday's Review...What's Eating Your Child?

What's Eating Your Child?

This is an excellent book and well worth the read. There are chapters for every kind of behavior and remedies for all of them. If you are experiencing rough behavior from your children, this is the book for you.
It's available at Amazon.

What’s Eating Your Child? is about the connections between common ailments such as chronic ear infections, reflux, tummy aches, picky eating, poor growth, mood and behavior problems and your child’s diet. Most people agree that a good diet is important but few know how to decipher the effect food has on their health.What’s Eating Your Child? will help parents, medical professionals, teachers and caretakers identify possible dietary links and address the problem.

There are many informative nutrition books around but I noticed that many of them were boring. I was determined to write a book that was not only useful but also entertaining. The most fascinating part about being a nutrition detective is the real life situations I deal with daily. For that reason, the book revolves around true stories of families struggling with common health problems. I share their stories, how we figured out the solution, if their solution would help your child and how to apply it.


Extreme moodiness is one symptom of food intolerance. Some children respond to simple diet changes and can avoid medication and other treatments.

This is an excellent book and well worth the read.

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