Saturday, August 06, 2005


The Saint SebastianChristian Soldier Award

Presented to Jack Hall for Christian Strength

Saint Sebastian was a soldier who guarded the Roman Emperor during a time when Christians were persecuted. Saint Sebastian was a Christian too, but kept his religion a secret. He helped his emperor's prisoners with food, money, and visitations to the prisons. When Saint Sebastian was found out, he was tied to a tree and shot full of arrows, but he didn't die. He lived to beg the emperor to be kind to Christians. He was then martyred for his deep and lively faith.

The Saint Sebastian "Christian Soldier Award" is presented to Jack in recognition of his budding Christian strength. No matter the difficulty, Jack finds a way to overcome the immediate difficulties of any day, and he triumphs repeatedly because of the steadfast quality of his determined nature.

Strength is a quality unknown to some, frightful to others, and inexplicable to many more. To a Christian, it is an indispensable tool awarded as a true gift by God. Congratulations.

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