Saturday, August 06, 2005


The Charles Borromeo Renaissance-Counter-Reformation Award

Presented to Rachel Wachtel for Brilliant Performance

Saint Charles Borromeo became an Archbishop of Milan when he was only twenty-two. He was a great reformer during the storm of Martin Luther. He worked furiously during the Council of Trent and founded schools, seminaries, a community of oblates and some hospitals where he served the very ill himself. He often wore a rope around his neck as a sign of penance. Charles Borromeo is the patron of seminarians and catechists.

The Charles Borromeo Renaissance-Counter Reformation Award is presented to Rachel for her brilliant performance in the classroom, for her ability to socialize with other children as well as grasp the academic concepts given to her by her teachers. She is a scholar and a gentleperson.

Rachel shows maturity beyond her young years. She has made a wonderful first impression on the world. She is an open, warm, dependable, fine little person with all the budding virtues of a true and lasting Christian personality. Congratulations.

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