Thursday, August 04, 2005

Summer Break

One of the nice things about the GS is that all the teachers are such good friends. This holiday, Molly and Stacey and Rachel are all getting together to go rafting in the rapids in Gatlinburg. They have been planning this trip for weeks.

Edith had family in from all over the country for the first few days, and they all got to celebrate #4’s [grandchild] birthday and plan her son’s wedding in Australia this Christmas. He’s marrying a nice young lady who is a New York clothes designer.

Edith and I did our usual Mass and breakfast and then to the school to feed the animals and clean up the place, but there wasn’t a four hour stretch when we didn’t talk to one another.

Edith paints and I write fiction in our spare time. I’m finishing my fifth novel, and Edith is trying to paint the front cover of the book in oils. Edith reads the way I write – any five extra minutes out there, and I’m inventing the next scene, and she’s grabbing some book and pouring through it.

But all in all, it’s been a much needed and much enjoyed vacation. It’s hard to take a vacation away from school. The building needs a lot of daily work, and the animals just can’t be neglected, so someone has to go in every day and do those chores.

We’ll be glad to get back, however, and start classes. Children are our business.

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