Saturday, August 06, 2005


Saint Philomena Quiet Mystique Award

Presented to Leah Wentzel for Sweet Peace

Saint Philomena lived in the First Century, died, and was buried quietly in the catacombs and forgotten. Through many centuries, the remains of Saint Philomena were hidden from the world. In the Nineteenth Century, the tomb of Saint Philomena was discovered and exhumed. When her bones were removed, miracles were attributed to her holy and mysterious presence and prayers.

The Saint Philomena "Quiet Mystique Award" is presented to Leah for the hidden treasure of her quiet person and her mystery which governs her in the classroom. Her presence is a blessing to her teachers and her peers. The quiet nature of this little Christian has found a sweet peace in the world. She does not draw unnecessary attention to herself and yet her creativity and personhood are never without witness and affection. She is truly loved.

Leah shows a Christian maturity beyond her years in her ability to find the silence of play a comfort, and her own company something to be treasured as well as shared. Congratulations.

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